Semi Roadside Assistance on Freightliner

Semi roadside assistance was needed when we got a call last week to unlock a semi whose driver had locked his keys in his cab.  The call came in and our driver arrived in no time.

Now, a bit of experience can be helpful here. Our towing expert has years of experience. In 10 minutes, he unlocked the freightliner and the driver was back on the road.  Thanks to the team.

Semi Roadside Assistance in Pittsburgh
Semi Roadside Assistance in Pittsburgh

Details of Semi Roadside Assistance on Freightliner

A call came to McGann and Chester from a semi driver who needed semi roadside assistance.  The dispatcher learned that the semi was located just outside of Pittsburgh and needed lockout assistance.  The dispatcher reached out to Chas who is part of the semi roadside assistance team at McGann and Chester.   The semi roadside assistance team member drove out to the location where the freightliner was stranded.  The semi roadside assistance team member walked to the freightliner and examined the tractor-trailer. After assessing the situation he walked back to his tow truck and he grabbed the tools necessary to break into the cab of the tractor trailer.  The semi roadside assistance team member got to work. Within ten minutes of starting, the semi roadside assistance team member opened the door of the semi cab.  The driver thanked the semi roadside assistance team member and he drove away.

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